17 February 2014

lèrfu mòrna fi'e la selpà'i (selpa'i's orthography)

From selpa’i’s site.

ni’o ra’u lo fàdni làtmo bo lèrfu cu se pìlno ci’e lo me mi moị .i mi jmìna lo vo lèrfu .e lo pa se bàsna sìnxa .i di’e lìste lo ro lèrfu jo’u lo se sìnxa sànce vu’o poị frìca lo fàdni

The usual latin-based letters are generally used in my orthography. I add four letters and one stress sign. This is a list of all the letters along with the representation of the sounds they make in contrast to the usual ones:

ŭ = [w]
ĭ = [j]

ụ = [w] / [ʊ] / [u]
ị = [j] / [ɪ] / [i]

ni’o ge ŭy bu gi ĭy bu zo’u zùnsna .i se ki’u bo lo vàlsi poi me’o ŭy fa’u me’o ĭy cu pa moị lo cmène be ke’a lèrfu cu na nìtcu tu’a lo depybù’i

As for ŭ and ĭ, they are articulated consonants. For that reason, words that begin with ŭ or ĭ do not need a period. [paraphrasing; I don’t completely understand the structure]

ni’o lo mùpli vàlsi zo’u ŭa ŭi ĭu .aụ .eị

Example words: ŭa ŭi ĭu .aụ .eị

ni’o .e’i no depybù’i cu se clàxu .i je ro lo se bàsna slàka pe lo brìvla cu se tcìta lo se bàsna sìnxa no’u zoi sy. ` .sy

I feel constrained without zero-periods [double negative in original text; unlike English, two negatives make a positive]. And all of the stressed syllables of the brivla are tagged with the stress markers (i.e. `).

ni’o va’o lo nu pìlno lo dei lèrfu jàvni zo’u ro roi cùmki fa lo nu vìmcu lo kutybù’i .i mu’a «lu .iŭicalocàbdeimipènmilopèndo li’u»

If you use these orthographic rules, it is always possible to omit the spaces. For example, {.iŭicalocàbdeimipènmilopèndo}.

Note that the above is: {.i .ui ca lo cabdei mi penmi lo pendo} in the standard orthography, or “Today, I meet a friend :)” in English.